Alexey Tolstogan, CEO, National Advertising Alliance, Russia
“Hi, everyone, hi from Moscow! I am Alexey Tolstogan. I’m glad to speak on behalf of the largest Russian TV seller – National Advertising Alliance.
In an old Oscar-winning Russian movie from the sixties there was a line: “Soon there will be no cinema, no theatre, no books, no newspapers – only one endless television.”
Time goes by. Only a couple of years ago we could hear that TV was losing its position and the process was unstoppable.
Today, we could say that it’s a Renaissance time for the TV industry. Especially during the pandemic, TV serves as a trusted and reliable source of information.
And now, in the post-pandemic world, TV plays an essential role in the modern media ecosystem!
It impacts brand metrics, it drives sales! It demonstrates the biggest long-term effect on advertising campaigns versus all other media platforms.
This is absolutely true for the Russian market as well. And TV is a basic channel of any media mix in Russia.
A lot has been said about the competition between TV and digital. However, one cannot exist without the other. TV has a huge halo effect on the whole media mix of the campaign. Without TV, all other channels lose up to 50% of their efficiency.
Moreover, TV provides a powerful boost of trust for the brand. And it also spreads like a halo on all other platforms.
Now in the consumer-centric era TV advertising help to move TV content to new formats, driving economy and creativity! So let’s be proud of being a part of this process!
And don’t forget: the sun always shines on TV!”